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choose to be the PEACE and LOVE you want to experience in the world

create a more peaceful WE by
Becoming a more peaceful me

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi

We all long for a more peaceful and loving world. The grief, fear, and sorrow caused by ongoing violence and discord leave us heartbroken. It’s easy to feel powerless and hopeless in the face of so much suffering.

We pray for a kinder, safer, and more loving world. We dream of better days for our children and for one another. Yet even though our desire to make a difference is strong, creating lasting change can feel impossible.

But hope is not lost.

We are not powerless.

We CAN create a more peaceful world—starting here and now—by becoming a more peaceful person.

By Divine design, each of us is the miracle we seek.

We don’t see the world as it is; we see it as we are.
All the brokenness around us is a projection of the perceived brokenness within.

If we don’t know we are LOVE—if we don’t believe we are worthy simply because we exist as energy in motion—then we are at war within. This battle between Truth and illusion feeds the suffering we see in the world.

We can debate endlessly about what’s wrong “out there,” but the law of correspondence teaches us this: the outer world is always a reflection of the inner.

As within, so without.

When our hearts are caught in judgment and condemnation of ourselves, we project this discord onto others. But neither self-condemnation nor blame will change the world.

Blame keeps us stuck in fear and victimhood, locked in the illusion of separation. It blinds us to the Truth:

We are not separate. We are One.

We emerge from One Source, powered by One LOVE, united in One Divine Spirit, experiencing Itself in One LOVE Story–the LOVE story of YOU.

Fear is the result of separation consciousness in which we believe we are separate from Source and all fractals of Source—a falsehood.

LOVE is the foundation of Unity Consciousness in which everything derives from the same essence of Light—the ultimate reality.

When we truly know we are One, we don’t just experience peace—we are peace.
Separation is the root of suffering, and remembering Oneness is the way back to harmony.

Yet when we block or resist the full potential and flow of LOVE within–the energy in motion or e-motion–we disrupt this natural peace. The interference keeps us in a survival mindset of “you versus me,” fueling violence and destruction both inwardly and outwardly.

To Change the World, We Must Change Ourselves.

When we resolve the battles within—when we stop resisting who we are and embrace unconditional self-LOVE—we change the outer world of we consciousness.

As within, so without.

We start with a conscious choice:

Find an area in your life where you lack peace. What stories are you telling or beliefs are you clinging to that cause you to be at war against yourself?

Commit to becoming more compassionate, forgiving, and loving toward yourself in that space.

This shift moves us from fear: a state of stress or separation anxiety that harms our well-being, to LOVE: a state of peace and harmony that heals and unites.

In doing so, we each become the safe, loving space we wish to see in the world. When we know our LOVE identity within, we can only see this LOVE identity without in every mirror of “other” into which we gaze.

The beautiful truth is this: we all beat to ONE HEARTBEAT of Spirit.

When inner peace becomes a priority, we shift from personal survival to collective thriving. And as a result, we heal the heart of humanity. This personal shift is the collective miracle.

Each of us must decide: Is our desire for peace strong enough to set the miracle in motion?

It starts with one intentional choice to notice an area of your life—big or small—where peace is lacking due to the misperception of separation.

Will you be the peace and LOVE you wish to see in the world?

  • Can you embody the forgiveness you long to receive, knowing we are all One in Spirit?
  • Can you become the compassionate listener you hope to encounter by mirroring the Truth of Oneness and power of LOVE?
  • Can you offer the understanding you wish to feel from others as they grapple with the misperceptions of ego?

When we say yes to these states of being and choose to heal our inner world, we allow LOVE to transform our pain and dissolve our separation anxiety.
This is how we honor ourselves and all of humanity one moment at a time, doing our best and offering heaping doses of grace when we falter.

In embodying this powerful, loving presence, the world transforms to reflect who we are—wherever we stand.

It’s time to embrace your greatest superpower: your Divine LOVE identity. LOVE is the energy of the MIND. You have sovereign control of how this energy is directed, and how it is directed creates your felt experience. It’s time to let this extraordinary LOVE within you do what it was made to do for the good of all humankind.

The more we focus on becoming healthier, more peaceful human BEings by aligning and embracing the Wholeness of our Divine LOVE identity, the more we naturally flow with everyday human doing.

Are you ready to commit to becoming the change you wish to see in the world?

Below, you’ll find immediate action steps and mindful practices to help you embody a more peaceful YOU—including an extensive toolbox full of resources for self-transformation.

“Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one.” —John Lennon

create change today

“At the center of nonviolence stands the principle of love.”- Martin Luther King Jr.


Peaceful Change begins with you. In every moment, you hold the sovereign power to dissolve fear, transcend the illusion of separation, and align with the infinite Truth of the LOVE that defines you and all Creation. Here, you’ll find sacred tools, practices, and inspiration to reconnect with your Soul, embody unconditional LOVE, and experience the Oneness of Life. Together, we create the new Earth—one heart at a time.

Action Steps:

1. Take a few moments to settle into your heart and reflect on what changes you would like to see in the world.

2. While contemplating what you want healed externally, ask and answer the following questions with honesty and non-judgment about how you view yourself internally:

  • Do I feel peace and joy inside regularly in all areas of my life?
  • Am I practicing non-violence by choosing LOVE, respect, grace, and compassion for myself?
  • Do I listen to my own needs without judgment and desire to understand the stories I’m telling and beliefs I’m adhering to? Do I make changes when my self-perceptions aren’t serving me?
  • Am I quick to forgive and slow to anger when it comes to my imperfections? How often do I punish myself for perceived faults and failures?
  • Do I make time to manage my stress and care for myself, mind, body, and spirit? Do I treat my body like I live in it?

If your answers leave room for improvement in some area of your life, commit to becoming the change you want to see. Make a personal pledge to cultivate the PEACE and LOVE you long for the world to experience.

3. Get started with 4 Mindful Practices:

    Choose to LOVE yourself in every situation
    , especially when it’s hard. Fiercely loving yourself looks like refraining from negative self-talk, forgiving your mistakes, honoring all of your emotions, and believing in your intrinsic worth. When you embody the LOVE you’re made of, you can share it with others. The more you see and honor the LOVE in you, the more you’ll see and honor this LOVE in everyone you meet. LOVE is your birthright. Claim this LOVE without exception.
    The little things and the big things, especially when it’s hard. Forgiving yourself when you falter is essential. As Maya Angelou said, “We do the best we can until we know better. Then, when we know better, we do better.” You are doing the best you can with what you know. We all are. But if we refuse to extend ourselves grace for our imperfections as we learn and grow, we’ll struggle to offer others the grace they deserve. Be willing to accept your faults and failures so you can accept others’ slip-ups as well.

As Holocaust survivor Edith Eger says, “To forgive is to grieve—for what happened, for what didn’t happen—and to give up the need for a different past. To accept life as it was, and it is.” Forgiveness frees us from the unrelenting storytelling in our minds about how things ‘should be’ so we can make peace with what is. It’s from a peaceful center that we can find our way forward and create a better life for everyone.

    When we stand in our truth and live authentic lives, we feel alive. When we follow the desires of our hearts, we thrive. We resonate peace and joy. In honor of those who are no longer living, choose to embrace your life fully. Follow your inner compass and pursue your dreams. Try not to settle or believe you must earn your worth or approval from others by meeting their expectations. #Authenticityheals.

Remember, you are a creator. So, create! Learn to play the instrument, paint, sing, dance, write, act, sew, design, build, and imagine. Give your emotions and your essence an outlet to express. This energy is meant to flow. If we suppress our creative juices and stuff down our emotions, they become blocked within us. The blockages create dis-ease and disharmony.

    We have up to 70k thoughts a day, 95% of which come from an automatic, subconscious program. Science says over 60% of these subconscious thoughts are negative. It’s not that we consciously choose negative, destructive, and stressful thoughts; they simply show up as part of our conditioning and patterning. One of the best ways to experience inner peace is to pay attention and become aware of all the negative chatter in our head. We become aware of being aware.

When you notice you are not at peace and feeling disturbed inside about something, relax. Focus on your breath with deep, cleansing inhales and exhales. Remember you are not your mind, thoughts, emotions, or body. All of those are temporary energetic forms. You are an eternal Soul. From your sacred heart, practice observing your thoughts without judgment. Don’t cling or assign meaning; just watch them with curiosity, knowing they don’t define you.

If the stressful thought persists, question it. “Is what I believe true? Is it helpful? Is this thought useful and leading me or others toward peace and LOVE?” If not, let it go. The negative emotions surrounding the stressful thought will follow.

4. Spread the word about the mission with others and raise the good vibes around you by building community around your stories of change and transformation. If you feel called to share your story publicly, submit it below so you can inspire and encourage others with your commitment to peaceful change. If you want to dive deeper into self-transformation beyond these four mindful practices, explore the sacred toolbox for transformation below.

tools to transform your heart

“If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” – Gandhi

Your journey begins here. This is not just a collection of resources—it’s a sanctuary for your growth and empowerment. Each tool is carefully curated to guide you back to your Soul center, dissolve the barriers and quiet the noise of the ego, and awaken you to your infinite potential. Whether you seek clarity, healing, or inspiration, these practices support your journey and guide you back to the Truth that you are not separate but are Light, LOVE, and eternal Life.

“Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost.”― Kahlil Gibran

Recent stories of change

“Love is the life of humanity.” – Edward Swedenborg


“It is easy to break down and destroy, the heroes are those who make peace and build..”
– Nelson Mandela

An Open Letter to Humanity: Seeds of Infinite Potential

Dear Beloved Humanity, As we swirl into this new expression

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