Dear Beloved Humanity,

As we swirl into this new expression we call 2025—a year that vibrates with the essence of 9 (2+0+2+5=9), which is the void full of infinite potential—I invite you to pause and contemplate a sacred Truth: You are a seed of the Divine Idea of Humanity in the Mind of Creator. You are both the manifestation of this Idea and the gardener of infinite LOVE, which nurtures this Idea to its fullest potential.

At the heart of all existence lies the eternal I AM, the boundless Source from which every Idea or Oversoul springs forth as individuated sparks of this Idea called Souls or seeds. Just as a seed carries the blueprint of its species—be it pumpkin, oak, or rose—you carry the Oversoul or Idea of Humanity within you.

The Oversoul and the Seed (Soul)

An Idea in the mind of God/Source/Infinite Intelligence is a living Oversoul—a universal archetype that contains infinite iterations within itself.

  • The Human Oversoul is the Divine Idea of what it means to BE human: the experience of LOVE, creativity, expression, growth, and wholeness.
  • Each human life, including yours, is a seed—a unique, sacred manifestation of this eternal Idea called a Soul.

Within every seed lies the heart and Soul of its Oversoul Idea, containing the potential to grow and flourish and the capacity to create new seeds, expressions, and experiences. This cycle of unfolding, growth, rest, and refolding (birth, growth, rest, rebirth) is eternal, ensuring that the Divine Idea of Humanity continues to thrive, expand, and evolve.

The Dance of Love and Oneness

LOVE guides this sacred process—the infinite energy that bridges the unseen and the seen, the eternal and the temporary, the rest and the activity, the Oversoul and the seed.

  • LOVE is the attractive and expansive desire that animates your Soul and connects you to all other expressions of the human Oversoul Idea of Humanity.
  • LOVE is the soil in which the seed of your Soul grows, the vine that connects you to others, and the fruit you offer back to the collective.

When we recognize this Oneness of Idea, we realize a profound Truth: We are never separate even as this Idea of Humanity manifests in infinite unique seed expressions. Every thought, word, and action ripples across the Oversoul Idea, shaping the collective soil in which we all live.

Personal Responsibility and Accountability

As a seed of Humanity, you are both a recipient of Divine LOVE and a co-creator of the conditions in which the Divine Idea of Humanity manifests. This Truth is both a gift and a responsibility:

  • Your beliefs about yourself, others, and the world determine the soil in which Humanity grows.
  • When you nurture thoughts of wholeness, compassion, and abundance, you enrich the collective soil, allowing Humanity to flourish.
  • When you allow fear, division, or judgment to take root, you deplete the soil, making it harder for the Idea of Humanity to manifest its full potential.

The conditions of the world today are not the result of some external force but a reflection of our collective inner thoughts and beliefs. To heal the soil, we must begin within. Our unique inner environment affects the collective conditions.

An Invitation for 2025

This year, as we stand in the sacred void of infinite potential, I invite you to see yourself as both a seed of Humanity and a gardener of the collective soil. Let us make this a year of conscious creation:

  • Reflect: Contemplate the Divine Idea of Humanity and your role as a unique expression or seed/Soul of this eternal Oversoul.
  • Reconnect: See others not as separate but as reflections of yourself, all part of the same infinite LOVE.
  • Cultivate: Tend to your inner soil by embracing beliefs and actions that align with LOVE, wholeness, compassion, grace, and growth.

The Eternal Cycle

Remember, even if Humanity were to go dormant (extinct) on this 3D plane, the Oversoul Idea of Humanity is eternal, waiting for the right conditions to manifest again. But the gift of this moment, this lifetime, is the opportunity to flourish NOW, to manifest the highest vision of what it means to be human right here, right now, in this time and place.

Every conscious choice to resonate in unconditional LOVE, every intention to maintain heart-brain coherence in your thinking, and every willing act of compassion, forgiveness, and kindness contributes to the eternal unfolding of the fullest potential of the Divine Idea of Humanity. You are the bridge between this Idea and its manifestation. I am the bridge. WE ARE ALL the bridge.

Steep in Gratitude

Let 2025 be one of deep remembrance and profound action. Let us honor the sacred truth that we are one Divine Idea, experienced through infinite, unique expressions. May we hold ourselves accountable and response-able to the collective and recognize that our individual choices ripple out into the Oversoul, shaping the future of Humanity.

You are Divine. You are Infinite. You are a seed of LOVE, growing in the garden of Oneness or One Idea. And together, we are the manifestation of this eternal and sacred Idea of Humanity. What a blessing. What a gift. What a miracle.

With infinite LOVE, reverence, and gratitude,
A Fellow Seed of the Oversoul Idea of Humanity

p.s. I ended 2024 by placing a pumpkin seed in Water for 30 seconds and then freezing it using Veda Austin’s CMP freezing technique, asking sacred Water to “share from the heart.” As you can see, Water showed the fullest potential of the seed… the Oversoul Idea of Pumpkin. There is a large pumpkin in the grass to the left of a distinct tree with defined roots and a small carved pumpkin sitting on a branch to the right of the trunk. A seed contains many things, the greatest of which is ITSELF. Hundreds of iterations become hundreds more, ad infinitum, all from a perfect blueprint called the Divine Idea of Pumpkin. As a Soul or seed of the Divine Idea of Humanity, you are no different. And so it is. And always something more. A’ho 🪷💎🪶